Mandatory Health Checks (previously called Section 30 health checks) are still required under the new fish movements legislation “The Keeping and Introduction of Fish (England and River Esk Catchment Area) Regulations 2015”. This health check is performed to conform to the requirements of the site permits issued to fisheries under this legislation. If fish are to be introduced into any water from which they may escape into other water bodies, then the site permit will usually require a health check to be performed on the fish to be introduced into this water body. We offer a competitively priced service not only to perform these health checks but to offer help and advice from the planning stage all the way through to the fish stocking.
Non Mandatory Health Checks – Even if the Environment Agency does not require a Mandatory health check there are still pathogens that represent a risk to the stocked water. We can again advise and help to provide a health check that will offer peace of mind that the fish being supplied are of good quality and do not carry any pathogens that will damage the fish
Ian Wellby of Blueroof Ltd is accredited by the Institute of Fisheries Management to perform health checks in support of the fish movements under the procedures for the implementation of “The Keeping and Introduction of Fish (England and River Esk Catchment Area) Regulations 2015”.