With improvements in technology, the use of tags to study fish populations is becoming an increasingly important tool. Tags can be simple colour marks on the fins of the fish, all the way to highly sophisticated transmitter tags. These broadcast the exact location of the fish to receivers every 90 seconds.
This technology allows flexibility in the types of study, from simple estimates of the size of the population, to studying very specific behaviour of different fish species in a range of circumstances. For example we are currently using acoustic tags to study the daily and seasonal movement of fish species around a very complex river system; allowing us to identify specific behaviours in the fish population, in order to identify particular habitats and areas of the waterway that must be protected so that the fish populations can continue to survive unimpeded. Here at Blueroof we have a wide range of experience in project design, legislative requirements, surgical implantation of tags, data recording, analysis and reporting. Tagging and telemetry has proven to be a very powerful tool in providing detailed and effective data on fish populations and their behaviours. We offer a full Tagging and Telemetry service in conjunction with our partner company Fishtrack Ltd. |